Seasonal Foods And What To Do With Them: June (Updated 2024)

in Jun 5, 2024

Photo by Hana Mara.

Well, it’s another month, and that means more seasonal fruit and vegetables to enjoy! Here’s our roundup of some of the best produce to grab in June…


The cherry season is famously short but (forgive the pun) sweet. Lasting just a few weeks from June to July, this wonderful little fruit is on its way in, so keep your eyes out and enjoy it while it lasts!

Cherries are also good for you. They contain fibre, potassium vitamin C, magnesium, copper, and iron!

Recipe idea: gluten-free cherry cake.


Courgettes are at their peak from around June until October, so we’re right at the start of the season. This versatile veg can be used in so many different ways — which is great because you’ve got plenty of time to experiment with it!

Recipe ideas: gluten free courgette fritters, courgette curry, courgette and lemon drizzle cake.


Though gooseberries are already in season by now, they’re at their best from late June until early August. So if you like gooseberries then this month is when they really start getting tasty!

Recipes: gluten-free gooseberry cake, easy gluten free crumble.

Jersey Royal Potatoes

First things first: not all potatoes are created equally. There are potatoes, and then there are potatoes. The Jersey Royal is one of the latter. Whether you like your spuds boiled, mashed, roasted, or fried, you can’t go wrong with these. We know we’ve mentioned them previously in our April seasonal food guide but, you know, they’re still in season, and we love them so much we think they’re worth a second mention!

Recipes: Batata Harra, Jersey Royal Potatoes with butter and herbs.


Aubergines seem to be a little underrated. To be fair, they aren’t the most versatile vegetable, and they aren’t the easiest to cook well. But when you get them right they quickly become the stand-out ingredient on the plate! Also, though this can be said for basically all fruits and vegetables, they really are at their best when seasonal and fresh.

Recipes: smoky aubergine daal, oven roasted aubergine, baba ganoush.


It’s easy to forget that carrots even have a season, considering that they’re such a supermarket staple all-year round. But their season actually starts from early to mid June. This is the time of year when you’ll start to find the sweetest and most aromatic carrots. So it’s a perfect time to use them!

Recipes: honey-roasted carrots, Ben’s mum’s “warming” carrot and coriander soup.

Eating seasonal 

For more information on seasonal eating, you can take a look at these fantastic resources: Eat The Seasons (a wonderfully simple website with week-to-week updates on what’s in season in the uk), and Eat Seasonably (another simple and informative resource, featuring a brilliant seasonal food wheel).